Answers to the most common questions
First of all, we will be spending most of the lesson in the water, so a swim suit is the obvious answer. What may not be obvious is that you will be transitioning between three positions: prone – kneeling – standing. Our deck pads on our boards are very good for foot grips, which also means they can wear on your knees. It would be a good idea to protect your knees with either longer swim pants, or neoprene sleeves to avoid unnecessary rubs or skin abrasions. For women, we definitely recommend more than a bikini bottom. Ideally, wearing aerobic pants or paddling pants would be helpful. A shirt is also a good idea to keep the sun off your arms and back, but not necessary.
Safety is paramount for us, so we will provide every student with a helmet and a life vest. We have multiple sizes, so you will be covered. We also use communication devices so that we can provide you with clear instructions while we are on the water. Finally, we provide the efoil and all necessary equipment to ensure that you have a fun-filled experience.
Not at all! Any type of boarding experience is helpful so that you have a good understanding of balancing on a moving board. This includes skateboards, snowboards, wake boards, and surfboards. Balance is a big part of riding any board, so even balance beam experience helps with efoiling.
Athleticism is always a desirable trait to have when you are trying a new physical activity, but it certainly is not a deal breaker. First of all, standing up is not a requirement for foiling. Some of our students prefer the stability of kneeling and start to foil from their knees instead of from their feet. As long as you have a comfortable sense of balance, and you can perform a one-legged squat, you should be able to stand up on our efoil boards. If a one-legged squat is difficult, or your balance is a bit shaky, then we would recommend that you stay in the prone or the kneeling position for your lesson.
Absolutely! You will want to watch yourself when you get home. Your family and friends will want to know why you are so excited about this efoiling thing. We will ask our instructors to film you with your camera so that you can focus on learning how to efoil. As long as you have a standard GoPro mount to slip onto our floating handles, you are encouraged to bring your GoPro camera.
We recommend children under 16 to NOT participate in efoiling. Children 16 and older are definitely safe to ride an efoil. Although we brag a bit about how fast we can go on an efoil (25 mph), the reality is that only the pros operate this equipment at that top speed. During your first lesson, we stay below 10 mph. Additionally, the throttle is in your hand, so only you can determine your speed.
Swimming proficiency is what we require. You will need to demonstrate to your instructor that you are able to swim with a life vest and helmet on while holding your hand controller. Everyone falls off of the efoil on their first try. Being able to swim back to your efoil board is a common activity for any efoil lesson. Speed is not required, and grace is optional. Style points still count.
Our lessons are mostly conducted in paths that are parallel to the shoreline. The area that we use typically is 200 – 300 feet offshore so that we are not interfering with near shore activities. People on the beach will be able to see you, but they won’t see the color of your eyes.
Yes. We are licensed, insured, and authorized to do what we do. We have been granted permission to conduct our lessons in the locations posted on our site. We are also insured as any reputable business would be in order to protect our assets, our operations, and our customers. Finally, we are authorized by Lift Foils to conduct efoil lessons and to sell Lift Foils equipment. If you are going to participate in an activity that involves specialized equipment in the ocean, you should know that your guide is conducting business correctly and following all rules and regulations. If they are cutting corners with rules and regulations, what other short cuts are they taking that could impact your experience?
We are an authorized representative of Lift Foils, the inventor of the original efoil. We can address all of your questions about Lift, and some of your questions about other manufacturers. We have all of the efoil board sizes and all of their front wing sizes from Lift that you can try so that you can compare the differences. We operate under Lift’s “fly before you buy” program so that you know what you are getting before you make your investment. Additionally, we will provide you with a discount code that will reduce your purchase price of a Lift efoil.
It depends. If you have taken a lesson with us, it is possible. We need to ensure that you know how to operate and to care for the efoil boards. These efoil boards are not common (yet), and there are many hazards that you could run into in the water and on land. Come talk to us one-on-one to determine how it could be possible for you to rent a board.
The base rate is $350 per lesson which provides you with a 90-minute lesson. At least 60 of those minutes will be spent on the water. We also offer discounts for kama’aina, U.S. military and veteran families at about $50 off. Find the discount codes near the bottom of our homepage.
The folding prop is the most impressive innovation from Lift Foils. Essentially, it allows the eFoil to ride like a surf foil… by the power of the wave. You can see a video by the designer here. Hawaii Efoil Experience does have folding props, but they are reserved for use by experienced efoilers. We can show you the folding prop and discuss the benefits of them, but before you can use it, you will have to demonstrate to us that you know what you are doing before trying to take this into surf.
Ages 16+ are welcome without hesitation. Ages 15 and under need to be very confident in the open ocean. Call us 808-466-8788. Weights up to 300lbs are welcome.
- First of all, we will be spending most of the lesson in the water, so a swim suit is the obvious answer. What may not be obvious is that you will be transitioning between three positions: prone – kneeling – standing. Our deck pads on our boards are very good for foot grips, which also means they can wear on your knees. It would be a good idea to protect your knees with either longer swim pants, or neoprene sleeves to avoid unnecessary rubs or skin abrasions. For women, we definitely recommend more than a bikini bottom. Ideally, wearing aerobic pants or paddling pants would be helpful. A shirt is also a good idea to keep the sun off your arms and back, but not necessary.
- First of all, we will be spending most of the lesson in the water, so a swim suit is the obvious answer. What may not be obvious is that you will be transitioning between three positions: prone – kneeling – standing. Our deck pads on our boards are very good for foot grips, which also means they can wear on your knees. It would be a good idea to protect your knees with either longer swim pants, or neoprene sleeves to avoid unnecessary rubs or skin abrasions. For women, we definitely recommend more than a bikini bottom. Ideally, wearing aerobic pants or paddling pants would be helpful. A shirt is also a good idea to keep the sun off your arms and back, but not necessary.
93% of our students are able to foil comfortably on the eFoil during their first lesson. It is easier than learning how to surf, and way more exhilarating. The other 7% had a personal obstacle that was not overcome within the first lesson.
We have the safest efoils on the market. The propellors are fully shrouded for your safety. We also have stabilizing solutions to improve your balance. We provide you with helmets and life jackets as well as a personal instructor at your side to keep you as safe as possible.