This Is Way Better Than Surf Lessons
You will be riding a premium carbon fiber hydrofoil board equipped with the best in battery and motor technology. Join us and feel the difference quality engineering makes.

Explore New Adventures
Every Lesson is Private
Your lesson begins on the beach, to learn ocean safety, efoil safety and operation, and respect for our ocean resources.

We will fit you with a helmet, life vest, and prepare you mentally and physically to get into the water.

We will pair you one-on-one with an instructor during your time on the water, connected by two-way radios.

Every student will still have their own instructor, and your group will remain together in a private group.
Hit the Water with eFoil Boarding
Our primary lesson location is a 45 acre lagoon, protected from south swells and strong tradewinds, giving us calm conditions for the entire year. The site is located in the heart of Honolulu, about a 10 mile drive from Waikiki. We have plenty of open space for you to learn to fly, and then to explore once you feel comfortable. You will experience a silent flying sensation while being surrounded by the most beautiful combination of ocean, beach, and island scenery. You will gain a truly unique experience to tell your family and friends back home about. This is surfing at the next level!
Top Most Asked Questions
Ages 16+ are welcome without hesitation. Ages 15 and under need to be very confident in the open ocean. Call us 808-466-8788. Weights up to 300lbs are welcome.
Not at all. Balance and a desire to learn are all that is needed.
Absolutely! You will create amazing memories together learning how to eFoil.
93% of our students are able to foil comfortably on the eFoil during their first lesson. It is easier than learning how to surf, and way more exhilarating. The other 7% had a personal obstacle that was not overcome within the first lesson.
We have the safest efoils on the market. The propellors are fully shrouded for your safety. We also have stabilizing solutions to improve your balance. We provide you with helmets and life jackets as well as a personal instructor at your side to keep you as safe as possible.