There is a difference between swell following and wave riding on the efoil. Both are fun, and offer much more creativity than flat water riding. If you have the option to get into the open ocean on an efoil, find some rolling waves swells. The up, down, and side to side action of the swells provides a skatepark-like environment that brings out the most creative movements in your board. You will naturally follow the contour of each wave section, and gracefully move your hips and shoulders to match the flow of the ocean. I explain it like a dance between long-time friends. When the ocean stands up, so do you and your efoil. When the ocean shifts to the side, similarly, you and your efoil shift to stay in step. If you can hear music, you know you are in sync with the ocean.
Swell following is easiest with your trigger partially pulled to provide sufficient speed to match the swell movement. By staying on a steady trigger, you will find the push and pull of the ocean as it adds energy beneath your foil. This can be intimidating at first, but your body will quickly adapt to the energy flow that affects your foil.
Once you get proficient in swell following, you will be ready to start wave riding… without the use of the power from your efoil motor. Enjoy.