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If you have made the investment into purchasing your efoil, you should also make the next investment… maintenance!

The most significant maintenance that you can perform on your efoil is battery maintenance. Your lithium battery is a major component of your efoil. This battery poses the greatest risk in my opinion. Lithium batteries have been known to ignite in a process known as thermal runaway. This battery also is very expensive to replace, so proper maintenance is critical to you and your investment.

To ensure a long life for your efoil battery, follow these steps:


  • Charge battery to full capacity the day before using
  • Inspect battery for physical damage
  • Observe LED light indicators
  • Ensure data and power connection points are clear of debris


  • Gently place the battery into the efoil as the last step before entering the water
  • Connect the power cable, the data cable, and then lock the battery into place
  • Never force any connection. If it is not easy, there is likely an obstruction or misalignment.
  • Observe the LED light indicators as you power up the efoil


  • Gently disconnect the power cable, the data cable, and then unlock the battery
  • Observe the LED light indicators as you power down the efoil
  • Remove the battery from the efoil as soon as possible
  • Dry all water that may get on the battery
  • Apply ReelX on data and power connection points


  • Charge the battery to 50%
  • When battery charge depletes to 30%, charge it back to 50%
  • Store batteries in a cool (41oF to 77oF) and dry location, away from your home, if possible
  • Use a fireproof storage container such as a Zarges case, if possible
  • The battery will slowly lose charge over time in storage. If stored for several months, the battery can become over-discharged and lose the ability to be charged at all. To prevent this, plan to charge your battery to 50% every 2-3 months.


  • Maintain battery charge at 30-50% when not in use
  • Monitor the batteries when they are on the charger
  • Store batteries in a cool and dry location, away from your home, if possible
  • Use a fireproof storage container, if possible
  • NEVER leave the battery connected to the charger longer than necessary
  • NEVER drop the battery or expose it to impact
  • NEVER leave the battery in direct sunlight
  • NEVER store the battery in a hot car
  • Keep the battery as dry as possible
  • Monitor the LED indicators on the battery. Ask for help if different colors are shown.
  • Have the most recent firmware installed


  • Battery not in use will flash green lights every 5 seconds. There are 8 LED lights. Only lights proportional to the state of charge will flash (ie: 4 of 8 lights indicate ~50% charge)
  • Battery at charging start-up will go through a series of flashing lights. When charging starts, solid green lights will indicate the amount of charge in the battery, and the next LED light will flash green until that portion of the battery has been charged.
  • Battery fully charged will flash all green lights every 5 seconds.
  • Battery at power on sequence will go through a series of flashing lights. When power sequence is successful, four blue LED lights will be on steadily.
  • Battery at power off sequence will go through a series of flashing lights. When power sequence is successful, green LED lights will flash every 5 seconds to indicate state of charge.
  • Other colors may appear during any of the charging or the power sequences that indicate different status. If the end result is green lights or blue lights as stated above, the battery is operating normally.


  • If the battery shows flashing or steady lights that are not as stated above, contact for help.
  • If the battery shows steady red lights, remove the battery from the board, from your vehicle, or your home. Store in a safe place and contact for help.

These are the steps that I take. If you are new to efoil boards, read the owner’s manual on batteries in its entirety. It is important! Stay safe, and have fun.